Objection to claims of Judicial or Sovereign Immunity within the U.S.

Objection to claims of Judicial or Sovereign Immunity within the U.S.

Published in The Revolutionary Times News on [08-07-2023]


Recently a Motion to Dismiss was filed by Defendants regarding an Alien Tort Claim filed by a citizen of the reign of the heavens, a Set Apart Place foreign to the political subdivision states of the U.S. evidenced within the caption below. At least one (1) Judge and one (1) political subdivision state of the U.S. arbitrarily claimed “judicial” and “sovereign” immunity to circumvent liability from committing trafficking in persons, forced association, slavery, religious persecution and psychological warfare upon the permanent population of the reign of the heavens, whose metes and bounds and seaward boundaries are foreign to the U.S., the Crown, the Holy See and all other Luciferian kingdoms of the world.

* Click here to review Motion to Dismiss image *

The assembly of Elohim hereby objects to any claim of judicial or sovereign immunity by any one person, state or international institution operating within the Luciferian kingdoms of the world vacant an established religion acknowledging Yahweh the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or His Son the only Sovereign Authority on earth Yahushua the Messiah in accordance with Mattithyahu (Matthew) 28:18.

The Crown is hereby notified of its association with the Holy See and participation in the trafficking in persons, forced association, slavery, religious persecution and psychological warfare by way of Judges arbitrarily presiding over the permanent population of the reign of the heavens, a Set Apart Place as securities interests for securities to manifest Fiat currency. Article 24 of the Lateran Pacts of 1929 states; “In regard to the sovereignty appertaining to it also in international matters, the Holy See declares that it desires to take, and shall take, no part in any temporal rivalries between other States, nor in any international congresses called to settle such matters, save and except in the event of such parties making a mutual appeal to the pacific mission of the Holy See, the latter reserving in any event the right of exercising its moral and spiritual power”. Further evidence provided within the T-ROH Show Special Edition # 2.

Judges operating within the political subdivision states and the U.S. itself operate under Canons, ecclesiastical rules and law of the Holy See evidenced in Nebraska State Bar Association’s Code of Professional Responsibility and the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Judicial Conduct. Each and every Judge administering justice under Canons operates for the international Holy See and each and every Bar (court) room conducting proceedings is operating as international courts, therefore subject to international law, the codified Law of Nations while presiding over matters pertaining to securities and the security interests. Claiming judicial immunity is claiming that no Judge is subject to the rules of their Bar Association nor the oaths they have sworn to. Such claims are preposterous, dictatorial and/or totalitarian, also double-minded as what is the point of an oath or Bar Association rules if a Judge claims they do not have to comply as they can “do no wrong” as if they are Yahushua himself. It would appear that the white pope arbitrarily claiming to be the Vicar of Christ would have a serious problem with Judges claiming the same position yet the Fraudulent claim and fight against Yahushua the Messiah continues by the congregation of Satan.

Published by the assembly of Elohim

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