Douglas Mesner A.k.a. Douglas Misicko and doing business as “Lucien Greaves” is hereby classified as a domestic and International terrorist!

Douglas Mesner A.k.a. Douglas Misicko and doing business as “Lucien Greaves” is hereby classified as a domestic and International terrorist!



Published in The Revolutionary Times on (01-19-2022)


That  Douglas Mesner A.k.a. Douglas Misicko and doing business as “Lucien Greaves” is hereby classified as a domestic and International terrorist along with his group known as The Satanic Temple, a terrorist organization that is advocating for the sacrifice of babies in their so-called “religious ceremonies”.  Furthermore Douglas Mesner is WANTED ALIVE on grounds of an act of international terrorism with multiple witnesses; against The United States of America, a Sovereign country under the Law of Nations. Members of the LGBTQ community were cooperating and were a part of the terrorist attack.

In order to hide said terrorist act, one member of the group decided that she would record the assembly and then claimed that the assembly members made some threats against the terrorist organization members after the fact.

On Monday 276th day in the year of Yahweh 6023 at 7:20 UCT-6 or around Douglas Mesner attempted a coup d’état by striving to hijack the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America in the capacity as General Post Masters of the original General Post Office of 1775.  All members were throwing threats with the intent to place fear into the American Nationals so they would back away from their official duties and hand the Government over to the terrorist organization.

Source: LINK

Published by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America

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