Published in The Revolutionary Times News on (3–13-2023)
The office of the special prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America is a second witness to chemical attacks upon the land and populace using the railroad system within the metes and bounds of the original States of the Union of The United States of America evidenced in a recent article by the National assembly for the Government of The United States of America recognizing the recent train derailment in East Palestine LINK.
The attacks have been consistently occurring on or near the passenger railway system of the high-speed rail strategic plan by the Obama Administration LINK as part of The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act LINK with 8 billion USD to be invested in prioritizing high-speed railways. Amtrak, specifically, has passenger lines on the very tracks these chemical attacks have been occurring LINK. It’s acknowledged that the U.S. corporation wants high-speed trains and it appears they are willing to conduct attacks in the name of satanic Climate worship to make this happen, even at the expense of the populace LINK.
Specifically, in East Palestine a digital identification medical system had been offered to residents in the event that a person is unresponsive just prior to the derailment that leaked vinyl chloride LINK. It appears that Norfolk Southern Railway Company (hereinafter “Norfolk”) is complicit in the attacks wherein Norfolk burned the vinyl chloride creating a potentially more dangerous environment with hydrochloric acid resulting from said burn LINK. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (hereinafter, “EPA”) believes there are no short-term risks from the toxic spill yet an examination by Texas A&M determined that should the chemical levels remain than long term effects will be evident LINK. It appears the U.S. corporation is using EPA, Norfolk, and other departments, agencies, companies, etc. to proceed with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act as part of the Build Back Better agenda by United Nations and World Economic Forum associating with the Biden Administration wherein passenger and freight rail is addressed with Amtrak playing a central role LINK.
The map below provides the burned food facilities (Green) and chemical disasters (Turquoise) that have occurred in North America on or near the passenger railways since January of (2022) utilizing the following links for reference:
- These Are the 20+ Food Facilities That Have Burned in 2022, So Far – My Patriot Supply
- Chemical Facility Incidents – Coalition to Prevent Chemical Disasters
One may attempt to argue that the railways are used to carry products from the facilities throughout North America yet it appears that the railways are being utilized by the United States corporation to carry out attacks upon food facilities and chemical attacks upon the land. It appears that such attacks will pave the way to arbitrarily claim eminent domain upon the land surrounding the railways to implement high-speed railways for commuters traveling between 15-minute cities. Approximately Ninety (90) miles from East Palestine is Cleveland, a city that is now proposing to be the first 15-minute city LINK. The timing of all these circumstances are impeccable and beyond coincidental. California provides evidence of arbitrary eminent domain claims to construct the high-speed bullet train railway. Such claims are handled by Bar associates as agents for the Crown, the masonic city of London Corporation that have left farmers and other property owners frustrated with non-payments for claimed land LINK.
In the event that eminent domain is claimed in East Palestine, it will easily stand as further evidence that chemical attacks upon land and the populace is being committed by the U.S. corporation and those entities associating with to herd chattle to 15-minute cities, track the populace, and provide commuter travel between said cities on high-speed railways as part of the satanic Climate worship for the communist One World Order agenda. It has been obvious that the Biden Administration is doing the bidding of United Nations, World Economic forum, and the other secular orders of the satanic Esoteric Society through Climate worship. This second witness of chemical attacks upon the States of the Union serves as further witness to immorality by the U.S. corporation.
Published by the office of the Special Prosecutor for the War Crimes Tribunal for The United States of America