Counter offer to the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum regarding the Pact for the Future

Counter offer to the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum regarding the Pact for the Future

Published in The Revolutionary Times News on 09-19-2024


The assembly of Elohim for the reign of the heavens has a counter offer to the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum regarding the Pact for the Future, the Social Digital Compact, and the Declaration on Future Generations.

1: Within this New World Order, everyone agrees to be a part of the New Covenant mediated by Yeshua, the son of the Father who has been given all power and authority on Earth and in Heaven.

2: If all do not agree to the New Covenant, they agree that they deserve Hades and will be going there without reprieve.

3: The world agrees to exercise agape love in everyday life.

4: Seek the Father with all your heart, mind and being.

5: Love the Father with all your heart, mind and being.

6: Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

7: Go through the straight gate and make peace with the Father by going down the narrow way.

Counter offer published by the assembly of Elohim on 09-19-2024

Notice of International Default on the 09-19-2024 INTERNATIONAL, NATIONAL, & COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE as written above. 

Francis is not acknowledged as any form of spiritual authority over any other man. Goddess and Devil worship cannot stand. 

The above counter offer to the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum regarding the Pact for the Future, the Social Digital Compact, and the Declaration on Future Generations are now in international default and subjects to the New Covenant in full force. 

Published by the assembly of Elohim on 09-19-2024

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