Addressing the lies spread by the following individuals and co-conspirators: Jay VonSpreck, Allan Clinton Poe, Molly Marie Heckard, Howard Fredrick Walker III, John Harold Fulks et al!

Published in The Revolutionary Times News on 10-5-2022, 10-6-2022 & 10-7-2022 INTERNATIONAL, NATIONAL, & COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE   Addressing the lies spread by the following individuals and co-conspirators: Jay VonSpreck, Allan Clinton Poe, Molly Marie Heckard, Howard Fredrick Walker III, John Harold Fulks, Jason Marinaro, Paula Sullivan, Sheilla Rae Van Dusseldorp, Victoria DeMasi, Clova Dayton … Continue reading Addressing the lies spread by the following individuals and co-conspirators: Jay VonSpreck, Allan Clinton Poe, Molly Marie Heckard, Howard Fredrick Walker III, John Harold Fulks et al!